A High Achiever


Every year the 4-H celebrates the accomplishments of the members from the clubs in our county at a special dinner.  Usually the dinner takes place at the fairgrounds but this year there was a scheduling conflict and the dinner took place at a local middle school.  The change of venue was more than welcome change on a wintery night. Think warm school auditorium rather than drafty pole barn. 

The purpose of the achievement dinner is to recognize the 4-H members for the knowledge and skills found through a particular 4-H project, activity or program.  They also reward the growth of project requirements or by pursuit of one phase of an activity for deeper understanding. 


Walker was recognized with pins for his projects in Aerospace, Electric and Self-Determined and received a clock for State Electric Award in Division II.


His club was also recognized with an Honor Club Award. 


The awards began after dinner.  It was a lot of sitting, listening to the speeches given by members who have gone on 4-H related trips and a lot of names called.  To pass the time, I cast on a new hat for charity and made a little bit of progress. 


The evening went well and we enjoyed watching so many 4-H members get recognized for their learning and efforts. 


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