Category Archives: Bloomington

A Daytime Date and Drive

Now that the kids are older and can get themselves to and from school and home on the bus, Bill and I have a little more leeway to adventure during school hours.  We decided to jump in the car and head north for lunch since he had the day off.  We both had a hankering […]

Lotus—More than a Flower*

The juniors and seniors at SIG travel to Bloomington every year for a world music and arts festival called Lotus.  According to the website, huge crowds of people have been descending upon Bloomington for 26 years now to “experience places far removed from their everyday routines and to broaden their worldview through the arts.” The […]

The Dinner Date Drive

Most people from this area think we are crazy when we tell them we have driven to Bloomington for dinner on a weeknight but for us, it’s perfectly normal and reasonable.  We love the restaurants there and the two hour drive to get there is perfect for diving into deep conversation. Tonight we sampled the […]

Backseat to Bloomington

Walker, Bill and I trekked up to Bloomington today. Bloomington is one of our favorite places to eat and there are some really good outdoor sporting good stores in town.  It’s also an easy drive from here. Since Walker now has his permit, we let him drive up to get some practice time.  Bill rode […]