Monthly Archives: January 2016

Bull’s Eye

Welcome to the newest athletic adventure in our house.  Archery just started up again and Mason decided he wanted to give it a try.  The group meets Sunday afternoons at school.  It is open to students in fifth through eighth grade and there is a nice mix of kids involved. Before they stepped off the […]


This year I wanted to share a little treat with my knitting friends for their birthdays.  I have had yards of this fabric in my stash for a long time and I decided it would be perfect as gift bags.  I followed a tutorial to enclose the seams and I will soon set up an […]

A white Blanket

We’ve had some snow! The scout house does not need to get plowed, thankfully. Do these tracks look familiar? They are what’s left when two boys start at the top of the driveway and roll down the hill one after the other.  I don’t know how they come up with these crazy antics!

Moving on Up

Today Mason and I made an excursion to the local climbing wall.  Mason was fearless about climbing. I discovered that I don’t mind going up but I have to room to grow fonder of the leap that one takes when she kicks off the wall to repel down.  I enjoyed tackling the challenges with Mason […]

Vroom, Vroom

That’s right! It’s derby night at the ol’ school cafeteria.  The scouts outdid themselves once again. On Mason’s first run, he came in second. (His car in in the far right lane.) His car did well overall but there were some cars that were a smidge faster. Here were the den winners for speed and […]

Not a Wet Noodle

To earn an engineering badge in cub scouts, Mason constructed a bridge made of dried spaghetti and glue.  Then we had to test its strength so Mason added coins one at a time to see what would happen.   Mason started by adding coins to the cup one at a time.  In a series of […]

Mason on Ice

Catching a kid in the middle of a skating lesson is challenging!  This was the second of six weeks of classes.  So far Mason has left each time with big smiles.

Divide & Conquer

Friday night we drove up to the suburbs of Chicago with goals in mind for all three boys.  Bill and Walker were going to attend a Merit Badge University hosted by the Blackhawk Area Council and Mason and I were going to explore a video game arcade.  After the MBU was over, we were going […]

A Blank Canvas

Among friends and with a good teacher, I transformed a blank canvas into something I am pretty proud of.  While I have done paint by numbers and used finger paints, I have never painted like this before.  This was real painting with a teacher in a studio.  I was out of my comfort zone for […]

Pinewood Derby, 2016 Model

In our house, the pinewood derby prep typically starts over Christmas break and spans a few weeks.  It all begins with a sketch on paper that is transferred to the block of wood.  Then Mason and Bill cut it out with a coping saw and use a power sander to clean up the rough edges. […]