Monthly Archives: October 2017

Dozens and Dozens

All wrapped up and ready for delivery…two packages of four dozen homemade chocolate chip cookies to thank my Starbucks baristas and auto detailers* for treating me so well. Kay, one of my knitting friends, shared this recipe with me.  She told me the recipe yielded a lot of cookies but I was really not prepared […]

Storming Los Angeles

For quite some time, Bill has wanted to take Walker and Mason to see his mom in Los Angeles but our free weekends have been so limited lately. Looking at the calendar, it appeared that the weekend I was at Auntie Faye’s memorial was a weekend the boys did not not have a lot of […]

Celebrating Faye

Before my auntie Faye passed away in May, she voiced her wishes that our family come together in the presence of my grandmother in Las Vegas rather than at a funeral or memorial in Florida where she lived.  She always said that when she and my uncle got married, my grandmother welcomed her into our […]