We are grateful that we have such good friends! We invited ourselves again to Michigan to spend Thanksgiving with the Sandersons. We had such a good time last year that my kids begged to go back. Good friends of theirs offered to host dinner since Kristina and Bob are just settling into a new home. Those friends were generous enough to include us as well. It turned out that they opened the door to many families, none of whom were from Michigan. We were a wonderful group of people representing many of the United States.
Our hosts pulled out all the stops. There were place settings just like this for all 30 of us. It was so impressive.
We spent the weekend just soaking up friendship and taking it easy. Ashley, the daughter of our dear friends Scott and Susan, was with us too. She is now a student at University of Michigan and is all grown up.
Friday morning, Jordan, Ashley, Kristina and I went out to hit some sales while Jacob went to swim practice. The boys and Bill came out later for a little Best Buy perusing and met us for lunch at Taco Bell, the restaurant chosen by the college student without a car. Later that night, Kristina made us enchiladas because our entire group can appreciate a good Mexican meal. Our evening included an impromptu birthday celebration for Ashley.
We left this morning to head back home to tackle the weekend’s homework but we were grateful to see good friends and create more memories.
Love seeing Ashley all grown up.
I am wondering whose homework?
I didn’t give homework over break, did I?