Category Archives: Birthdays

Una Fiesta de Cumpleaños

Today we went to celebrate the birthday of these little boys who turned three and six respectively.  True to the culture of a good Mexican fiesta, there was great food, music and a whole lot of family.  We could only stay for a short time but it was great to be included.

Birthday, Bridge and barns

My birthday adventure began last night with a drive to Louisville.  I was given directions about what to pack but not about where we were going.  I woke up under the birthday quilt, we grabbed breakfast and then drove east. Two hours later, we arrived at The Natural Bridge State Park in Kentucky, a place […]

Kids These Days*

Walker wanted to celebrate his birthday with friends around the campfire.  The weather was perfect and the corn was a wonderful backdrop. Walker sent us to the store with a shopping list and we ordered pizza.  They spent a lot of time hanging out by the fire and then singing karaoke upstairs. Good times were […]

Jumping for Joy!

Sixteen! Walker is eager to join the driving force and has done all that he needs to do to get his driver’s license.  That magical day will be December 11th, 2018.  (In Indiana, driver’s licenses are granted 90 days after the 16th birthday and then privileges are graduated.  First he will be able to drive […]

A Dry Celebration

What a week at camp! It rained a lot and Mason was a little soggy when we picked him up.  Bunk 1 highlights showed that Mason spent a lot of time in the gaga pit. This mud shot has a story, I’m sure.  On Mason’s 13th birthday, he wore a great big smile. Challenge and […]

Happy Birthday, Mason

Just before we walked out the door on Sunday, Mason stood before the infamous birthday quilt.  We will celebrate with him when he returns.  Mason, we love you and all of your different faces. Welcome to your teenage years!

Birthday Joy!

Today was a great day! It was filled with lots of joy and love. My birthday celebration actually started last night. When I came home, I opened the door to the house and was greeted by a three foot troll bearing flowers. I soon learned that trolls were a theme. This morning I went for […]

Treated Like A Queen on Bill’s Birthday

Tonight was the Mother’s Day Banquet/Court of Honor.  A number of the fathers worked with the (mostly younger) scouts to prepare salad, pasta and dessert.  While it is wonderful that they prepared dinner, one of my favorite parts was listening to the senior scouts and the fathers teaching them etiquette like how to serve to […]

St. Nick’s Treats and Feasts

St. Nicholas day meant treats for the boys’ feet! This morning I had no problem getting them out of bed. This year Mason received three tickets to see one of his favorite ventriloquist comedians perform in Indianapolis at the end of December. (Just three?  St. Nick knew that Bill would not be able to get […]

Happy Birthday, Walker!

Exciting news! Walker is now 15 and the holder of an Indiana driver’s permit.  Today is the first day he was eligible to sit for the test which he passed with flying colors.  He is enrolled in a certified driving class and now can start getting behind the wheel practice. Per his request, we went […]