Category Archives: Eagle Project

Teach One, Build One

Chair production took place in our home workshop today with a new apprentice.  With Walker’s guidance, Mason partially completed a chair.  His first job was to trace where the arm placement meets the legs. Bill also explained how pieces lined up. My favorite part was seeing Walker gently guide Mason’s hands with the drill. Thanks, […]

Have a Seat

Very methodically Walker laid out the chair pieces along with the necessary tools and the plans.  He and Bill were ready to build. There are roughly 25-30 steps involved and this first chair took about 2 1/2 hours to make.  We are anticipating that the process will speed up as their experience grows. Ta da! […]

Eagle Project :: Work Day

Today was Walker’s first work day with help from other scouts.  The eagle project requires that the scout demonstrates leadership and organization skills.  Therefore, today Walker was more of a foreman than a worker.  After one or two gentle reminders from Bill, I began asking Walker how he wanted things done rather than asking Bill.  […]

Tracking Time

Bill always takes the boys’ birthdays off and this year was no exception.  We just didn’t know when he blocked his schedule that the boys would be at camp.  So with the free day ahead of us, Bill decided it would be the perfect time to see how long it would take for him to […]

Welcome to the Woodshop

We are fortunate that our good friends, Mel and MaryBeth, have offered to let us use their woodshop (aka Mel’s hobby barn) to cut and store the wood for Walker’s Eagle Project.  Today was the first workday and there was a lot going on.  Walker’s chair instructions came with cardboard templates.  To preserve their integrity, […]

The Genesis of the Eagle Project

To move up in Boy Scouts and reach the highest rank of Eagle, a scout must serve in a leadership role in his troop for six months as a Life Scout, complete a total of 21 merit badges (13 required and 7 elective) and complete an Eagle Project.  According to the Boy Scout of America […]