Category Archives: Video Games

Fun Surprises

Surprise! Bill popped in to his office this morning before his shift at the Covid clinic.  Baby Yoda is doing well and was up for a fun little game of peekaboo. The little leaves are doing a fine job hiding his face. While Bill was gone, I tackled some languishing projects.  I sewed a bit, […]


We were all counting down the days to celebrate Sophia’s fifth birthday. She was quite the birthday girl, bringing treats to school and contributing a very special book to the library. The other super exciting news on this otherwise mundane Friday was the arrival of Mason’s new PlayStation 5. The new console was announced in […]

Flying high

Today Mason and I drove out to Creve Coeur Airport for a Boy Scout Aviation merit badge. It was hosted by the EAA with their Young Eagles Program.  It was free, had no prerequisites or follow up work and even included a free flight!  This is the best kind of merit badge.  The weather was […]

How Did He Do That?

Hello, Nashville! For Mason’s birthday, we got tickets to for David Blaine on tour at Ryman Auditorium.  The show started at 8 but we drove down early so we could kick around town and have a nice dinner. We explored another video game arcade.  Similar to the one we visited in Chicago, they also had a […]

The Switch

When we arrived back home, a box awaited Mason.  This was not just any box.  It was the elusive new gaming system, The Switch.  It’s a long story but Mason has been saving and saving for this coveted device.  It slipped through our fingers a few times when it was in stock at two local […]

This Reality is Not Virtual

Last Wednesday was the long awaited release date of the Play Station VR.  This video game console has been on Mason’s radar for months.  Ever since we went to Louisville to give it a test run, he has been scraping every penny he could earn or find into his piggy bank to buy it.  Right […]

Divide & Conquer

Friday night we drove up to the suburbs of Chicago with goals in mind for all three boys.  Bill and Walker were going to attend a Merit Badge University hosted by the Blackhawk Area Council and Mason and I were going to explore a video game arcade.  After the MBU was over, we were going […]

Protected: Perseverance

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