Catholic Schools Week


Today we celebrate the second day of Catholic Schools Week by sending our kids to school dressed as their favorite super hero. Mason opted to go as Ash, the main character from Pokémon. 


He pulled together all the components himself and grabbed the Poke Ball and Treecko as his props. 


He also designed and drew his own shirt with markers.  It features the logo for his Nosam subscribers


Mason left Bill and me a surprise on his desk.  His cuffs described why Bill and I are superheroes.


My superhero dad is smart.  You are my superhero because you got me fencing lessons.  My dad’s superpower is fixing technology.


My superhero mom is calm.  You are my superhero becaus you make me calm.  My mom’s superpower is knitting.


He posed at his locker and then I was off to see Walker in his classroom. 


Walker’s class was empty save his teacher and me. 


He too had a gift for us. His class collaborated on this list and the teacher made a word cloud.  It was origami folded but I couldn’t replicate that if I tried.

Down the hall, I read the third grade writing pieces.  In “There’s No Business Like Snow Business, ” the students decorated a snowman and then described their future business plans.  Some of them were exceptionally creative and insightful.  I planted a seed with the teacher that these would make a great coffee table book for now or saved for the future.  Can’t you just imagine what fun it would be to reread them when Mason is in the eighth grade?


Here is Mason’s piece:


Born to Youtube
Mason Selby

When I grow up, I want to be a youtuber.  I would be a youtuber because you get to see if people enjoy you.  Also you get to do all kinds of special effects.  Last but not least, you get to go to conventions and get plaques.  I am born to youtube.


Last but not least, the odometer on my car rolled over just as we pulled into the parking lot and the kids were excited by the number.  Of course, it’s not a surprise that the odometer hit this mileage but it is rather remarkable that we caught it when it happened. 

One Comment

  • Gramma Jamma wrote:

    It’s so neat to see them grow.

    In reference to the milage and numbers…March 14, 2015 at 9:26:53 is a memorable date because…
    3.141592653 = Pi

    Thanks Rachelle for that information.

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