This morning after my workout, Bill and I hopped in the car and drove back to St. Louis to make a return at IKEA. The highway was wide open and it was sunny, such a treat for our field trip. We talked, listened to music and enjoyed the scenery. After an easy return, we hopped back on the expressway and went to Trader Joe’s. It was our first time there in probably a year. We stocked up on some of our favorites and picked up a few new products to try. We were lucky to have been able to walk right in and shop since we noticed a line queued on and off while we were inside.
This evening we streamed Mass from Saints Peter and Paul’s Church in Portlaoise, Ireland. Their camera angles were zoomed in close on the altar but they had a huge nativity scene set up. A later view at the church’s website made clear that the church is quite large and worthy of such a sizable display. Apparently, it is one of the biggest in their diocese and one of the biggest in Ireland.
The big action for tonight was the AJR concert. We had given Walker tickets to their May concert for Christmas last year, but of course, that opportunity was not possible due to Covid.
To recoup some of their lost revenue, they hosted a virtual one called One Spectacular Night and sold tickets of varying tiers. We live streamed it and watched as a family while we had dinner. The show was billed as a mix of concert, Broadway show and movie and that it was. This was Walker’s second time seeing them perform and since he is quite a fan, we have all come to enjoy their music.
Our ticket gave us access to a preshow and post show and Walker’s name was included in the rolling credits. Imagine that, his name in lights!
The concert was a fun experience that we might not have explored had the pandemic not presented this opportunity. This is a silver lining of the virus.
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