(Grand)parents’ Day 2013


For weeks now there has been a buzz around the house and secretive singing practice as the boys rehearsed for the the Grandparents’ Day program.  Music Through the Decades was this year’s theme.  Walker led part of the opening prayer with the principal and several of his classmates.


Our new (and very energetic) music teacher put together a fabulous program which opened with the choir singing “Firework” by Katie Perry.  (Walker is front row, left side.)


Then each grade came out and sang two songs as a tribute to earlier decades.  Fifth grade sang “Hey-ya” by Outkast and “Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus. (Walker is back row, almost center.)

Fourth grade sang “Everybody” by Backstreet Boys and “I Can See Clearly Now” by Jimmy Cliff.  Then the third graders danced to “Thriller” by Michael Jackson.

IMG_4001The second graders sang “Stayin’ Alive” by the Bee Gees. (Mason is back row, almost center.)

The first graders sang “Louie Louie” by the Kingmen and the kindergarteners ended the program with “How Much is the Doggie in the Window?” by Patti Page.  The music choices appealed widely to the students and the audience and everyone commented about how great the program was.

We were dismissed to visit the classrooms, to see Mason and Walker’s current work and to have treats.  The treats were, of course, the most anticipated part! Walker’s Inca project was on display.  He and his partner, Sarah Kate, were well matched. She made the housing and lifestyle pieces and Walker was responsible for the people, the farm in the back rear and the weaponry.


Bill and I noticed that the person being sacrificed was added after the project was delivered to school.


Then off to Mason’s class we went where we were greeted with smiles and this haunted mansion.


Bill and I were glad to stand in for the grandparents this year although we will never be as good as the real things.


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