It’s Popcorn time!


I’m happy to present the new popcorn distribution center! That’s right.  That’s NOT our garage!  It took some time for someone to step up as the new popcorn kernel but they did better.  They came up with a plan and two dads are now in charge.  One is housing the inventory and the other is handling the forms. At the last pack meeting,  I handed over the popcorn bible, offered to help in any way I could and then I slowly backed away. 


It was a treat to drive up tonight, sign out a box of popcorn inventory and drive off.  I’m looking forward to selling popcorn with Mason, reporting our blitz weekend sales to the new kernels just like all the other scouts have done with me for the past five years and, if our garage were not filled with a growing number of Adirondack chairs, I’d be looking forward to parking two cars in the garage as well.  In the meantime it’s time to get popping. 


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