My 10th Half!


I did it. I’m a double digit half marathoner. I never imagined seven years ago when I signed up to run my first half marathon that I would one day be able to say I have run ten.  Yes, ten!

This was a very different race for me.  I did not use a training plan although I have been getting in a monthly ten mile run.  I knew I would be able to finish but I had very low expectations. 


I started the race with Elizabeth in her corral rather than to run alone in mine.  As good fortune would have it, I found a few more friends in that pace group.  I ran the first few miles with these lovely ladies and then I looked at my watch.  I realized that if I continued at the pace I had started, I was not going to be home by the time I told Bill.  Around Mile 4, I started to pick up my pace.  I ran and ran, passing people along the way, and I made up a lot of time.  I saw many spectators I knew including Mason’s teachers’ families, our school principal and her family, and a few others from church and school.  I continued along and listened to my podcasts while I ticked off the miles. 

The route was changed this year and at Mile 11 I could see the finish line but I knew I still had two more miles to go.  The last 2.1 miles were mentally challenging.  I had had some GI issues (probably because I had picked up my pace so suddenly) and I was feeling rather spent.  I relied on mantras to convince myself that running the last leg would get me across the finish faster than walking.  So ran I did.

As I hit the final stretch, I heard a friend yell, “Go Suzanne!”  It really gave me a needed boost and I sprinted to the finish. 


My time was roughly 2:15 which is not my fastest and not my slowest but I was just happy to finish.


I credit these socks as the key to a blister free run. I’m so glad I ran and can’t wait to put another half on the calendar.

Before I sign off, I have one more random bit to include about my running.  Several weeks ago, I was sitting at Starbucks when an acquaintance came in.  She said, “I think I saw you in a magazine.” 

“Me?” I asked dubiously.  She grabbed the local fitness guide and started flipping through the pages. 

Doc - Oct 29, 2014, 11-33 AM - p3

Doc - Oct 29, 2014, 11-33 AM - p1Doc - Oct 29, 2014, 11-33 AM - p2

Sure enough, it IS me!  That picture was taken last year when I ran with my friend who was doing her first half.  We had just run more than 8 of the 13.1 miles in the rain and I was pumping her up to get across the finish line.  When I showed her the picture, her first comment was, “Hey! They cut me out of that shot!” True enough.  If you would like to see us running together, you can review my post from last year’s half here.


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