Last night Mason and I added our third stadium to the list of major league baseball stadiums we have visited this summer.
Hello, Great American Ball Park, home of the Cincinnati Reds.
This time our seats were the first row in the outfield. It was a very different and very fun experience. We were told at the beginning that we could not place anything on the ledge as soon as the game started so as not to interfere with game play.
The sun was very bright for the first few innings.
When it dropped behind the stands, we were both much happier.
Mid-game we circled the stadium in search of Mason’s favorite souvenir: soft serve in a team helmet.
Despite our proximity to the field, we did not win a shirt hoisted from the little car nor did we catch a ball. Maybe next time.
Although the Reds lost 2-11 against the Diamondbacks, it was a great night for baseball.
We stayed at a hotel near the airport which made our drive back to Newburgh all the easier.
On the entire way back, Mason fiddled with his Rubik’s cube, working hard to crack the code.
Except for the scrambled face of the cube he is covering, he is almost there!
I have only been to see the Twins and Phillis. Ken and I have plans to go to see the Cubs all over the country when we retire.
What a fun summer!