My daily pillowcase challenge paid off. By the time Lent was finished, I had completed 50 pillowcases.
Let the parade begin. I had 14 pillowcases on the first three lines and eight on the last one.
{Line one}
{Line two}
{Different views of lines one and two}
{Line three}
{More views of lines one, two and three}
{Line four}
{Here they all are.}
{50 pillowcases just hanging out}
These five are being sent off to live at Kim’s hospital on the peds ward. The rest are going to be donated to either the Ronald MacDonald House here or another local shelter. A very special thank you goes out to Liz for the lending me her clothesline and more importantly, all those clothespins!
That is a lot of fabric! What a wonderful, ambitious project. Lots of love to give away.
The recipients will feel blessed.