Sell, Sell, Sell!


This view is probably not as impressive for the rest of the world but for me, for us, for our family, it is.  My car was fully loaded with toys, books, clothes and a pedal go-cart that we are selling at the semi-annual consignment sale at church.  There were eleven tubs in all!

A bit of back story behind this giant purge would be useful.  Among the requirements to complete for Walker’s Family Life merit badge, he had to choose a project that we would undertake as a family that would benefit the family.  He decided it would be a good idea to bring everything out of the attic, sort through it and then reorganize it. Organize. Ding, ding, ding.  That worked well with my 2015 word and honestly, I was more than happy to see it done even though it was an overwhelming project.

As the boys sorted through toys, it became obvious that many had outlived their usefulness.  With the promise of earning money from the consignment sale as our carrot, we offered to help them sell what they no longer wanted.  So long to Thomas and GeoTrax trains, Power Rangers, cars, Beyblades, Bakugan and more.  It was bittersweet to see some of it go but these toys were bulky!

More than 225 tags later, the car is loaded up and ready to go.  Of note was also the fact that my brawny twelve year old loaded up the car by himself! Yes, that’s right.  This mother stepped aside when he said, “Mom, I’ll do it.”

As I drove down to the church, I did say a prayer for the success of the sale.  For as hard as I worked to get it all tagged (which did take hours and hours), I really wanted to boys to feel compensated for letting go of the surplus.  Now we just need people to buy, buy, buy!


  • We have ditched Bayblade and the Geotrax airport. I was pondering over the Geotrx trains just yesterday. It is so well built and we loved it so much….I just need to find the right person to give it to. Matthew’s Thomas set can fit in a reasonable size box, so that is a keeper. Our worst hoard is Imaginext….not the current kind but the original building sets……3 boxes worth, but they are still played with…..but someday……hard to get rid of for sure.

  • Gramma Jamma wrote:

    Very impressive.

  • Not Brio Thomas trains I hope? I have saved very few toys from my kids. Brio tracks and trains and lincoln logs are the only thiongs. My fear is that they will no longer make them in wood at some point.

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