Strong Genetics

Judgment Journal

Right before we walked into adoration today, my BFF, Liz, handed me a gift.  When I saw it, I gave a giant belly laugh out loud. I told Liz how much I loved it and that my mother would too.

I called my mom on the way home from school with Mason in the car and when prompted to leave a message, I said, “Hi Mom and Dad.  It’s Mason and me calling to saying hello…” She called back a few moments later and we made a plan to speak later. This evening I told her about the new notebook and promised to send her a photo after we signed off.

Upon receipt of the photo, a short text exchange followed.



Apparently, I come by the secret red-penning honestly and while I do know a lot about grammar, I still have plenty to learn. Alas, the daughter of an English grammar teacher is never excused from her mother’s classroom.

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