Talking on Topic


Tonight was the first speech meet of the season.  Once again Walker is competing in the Extemporaneous category.  Everyone in his category is given several current events articles which will be used for the entire season.  They all read the articles and become very familiar with them.  On the day of the meet, each participant gets to choose from five questions.  He has ten minutes to prepare his answer and write 50 words on a notecard to support his response.  When it is his turn, he has approximately five minutes to answer the question for the judge who has not actually read the articles.  The objective of this category is to present a solid response.


My blog buddy was closer and captured Walker’s reaction when he placed first.


Ethan, the boy in the blue shirt right behind Walker, is also from our school and is doing very well especially for his first year in this category.


There are three more meets in the season.  Walker will compete in two because we will be out of town for one.  I’m eager to see how he does.


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