Monthly Archives: December 2014

Fa La La La La

Our participation in the Christmas music programs included a band performance as well as singing in the K-5th grade play.  The 6th, 7th and 8th grade bands performed several Winter and Christmas songs and played Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah as the finale.  I am so impressed with Mrs. Buedel.  She has a very gentle spirit […]

Both Sides of the Breakfast Counter

It’s interesting how watch how our participation in certain events is changing as the boys get older.  Just as the circus was different this year, so was Breakfast with Santa.  In years past, we have gone as a family, sat and eaten together and then supervised the kids while they did all the crafts and […]

Hello, St. Nick

There was a great incentive last night for the boys to put their shoes where they belong because today is the Feast of St. Nick.  They couldn’t wait to get up and see what they had been left.  St. Nick knew that the boys would be pleased with bacon jerky, Skylanders and a scout ornaments […]

Chef Mason

Tonight Bill and Walker worked their second shift at the tree lot. Unfortunately, it was again cold and raining.  At home, Mason made me a special dinner.  His creation was made to resemble an Advent wreath and he put a lot of care into it.  The center is homemade granola and nuts which I ate […]


School is abuzz with excitement about the Spring play, Beauty and the Beast.  The production is cast with sixth, seventh and eighth graders.  For the last two years, Walker showed a lot of interest in the backstage activity of the sound and light boards so we expected him volunteer to help.  We were somewhat surprised, […]

Oh, Christmas Tree

Troop 33o sponsors a Christmas tree lot every year.  Each scout is asked to work a few shifts and the profit is divided up among all the scouts who work. Monday night was Walker’s first shift.  It was cold and rainy that night.  I went down with Mason to buy our tree during their shift.  […]


I was beyond surprised when I saw this post on Facebook.  This face does indeed show the joy that our kids experience each and every time they go to Camp Ondessonk.  (In full disclosure, I had to be told via text by a friend to go to look at this on Facebook so don’t ever […]


  I have many things to be thankful for.  One of them is bees.  That might sound strange, but have you ever stopped to think about how much we need bees?  If we didn’t have bees, then we wouldn’t have honey.  I think bees are important because there are a kind of bees called Mason […]