8 is GR8


Look at this boy!  See how much he has grown?!

Today marks a very significant day in our house.  Not only are we celebrating a very special birthday, our family has grown by one. 


Meet Greg. (He was briefly called Fredrick but Walker later renamed him after the main character of Diary of a Wimpy Kid.)

There is a story.  Of course.  For three years, Walker has said that when he turned eight, he could get a hamster, that is, that we would allow him to have a hamster.   Although Bill and I deny ever saying this, Walker insists that one of us did.  Initially, we discouraged him every time he said it.  We thought that it was a passing phase and that eventually he would forget.  He never did.  Not.For.A.Minute.  In fact, the reminders about the upcoming hamster ownership date just grew more and more frequent in the last six months. We tried to persuade him to get a rat (which is supposed to be friendlier and less likely to bite than a hamster).  We offered him an X-Box.  Our suggestions fell on deaf ears. 

A hamster it was. 


So today we made an exciting trip and brought home this little being and all of his accessories.

Between his new “little brother,” a whopping birthday party (details later), and a cub scout sleepover, this boy had a wonderful birthday.


Indeed, 8 is GR8!


  • What fun! I did hamster-sitting as a child (a friend had one, and my parents allowed me to take care of him when she went out of town). He was a sweet little guy, but I recommend keeping a good lock on the door, or something heavy, if it is on top of the cage. Just imagine my fear when the little guy escaped one night, pushing the door open! (found safe)

  • Hey, I see that smile on your face lovingly holding that hamster!!! I think you deep inside really wanted one, didn’t you!?!?!? :))

  • Happy Birthday Walker!

    I will be interested in hearing about the “stink” factor with that thing. My kids have been asking too, but I keep hearing how smelly they get! Hopefully that is not so true!

  • Happy Birthday Walker! I had a hamster as a child also! Mine was named Francis and she was very fun to have around! I had a difficult time getting her to do tricks though they say you can accomplish it. Best wishes!

  • When I was little, my Mom told me that I could get a pony when I turned 40! Oh, I can’t wait to wake up on Saturday!
    Just another example of what a great Mom you are!

  • a russian dwarf hamster if im not mistaken, correct? hes absolutely adorable suzie and im so excited you all have taken the leap to being pet care-takers. (life is so much better with a little 4-legged furry friend in it!)

    hugs to you and ALL of your family members

  • Happy Birthday, Walker! Your hampster is cute, but I’m a little afraid of it. Now we are both 8. You look so different from how I remember you.

  • Gramma Jamma wrote:

    Is that a Brooklyn T-shirt I see?

    A very belated birthday hug from gramma.

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