

Welcome 2020!

We had a lovely and quiet day in these parts.  Bill and I went out on a date and saw the film Richard Jewell

For dinner we rang in the new year with our traditional medley of greens, black eyed peas and cornbread. I know my grandma would be proud. 

So that just leaves one more point to share here and that is my 2020 word. 

I don’t choose my word.  I pray for awareness of what I need and then I wait to see what word chooses me. 

This year my word is engage. 

I am guilty of spending a lot of time on my cell phone, wrapped up on the web and in text message dialogues.  I am guilty of saying, “Just a minute.  I have to finish this text.”  I am guilty of stopping midstream in a conversation to acknowledge an alert from my phone.  I am guilty of giving my phone higher priority than it deserves. 

I want to be in the moment and to be with the people who are right in front of me.  I want to remember that next to nothing in a text message merits my immediate attention.  I want to look in the eyes of friends and family and I want my human people to know that they are more important than a cell phone alert. 

This word is going to challenge me to reach deep. I anticipate slow progress and many slip ups, but that’s ok. I will engage imperfectly but I will engage more. 

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