Today was the first time we have ventured out for a doctor’s appointment since Covid-19 started. A nurse greeted us in the foyer, gloved and masked, and then scanned our forehead with a no-touch thermometer. Before granting us entrance, we had to answer these questions:
1. Have you come into close contact (within 6 feet) with someone who has a laboratory confirmed COVID – 19 diagnosis in the past 14 days?
2. Do you have any of the following: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat?
It felt quite surreal. That eerie feeling continued as we sat in the waiting room until Mason was called back. We were surrounded by ghosts. After the shots were administered, we were sent out to our car to wait the requisite thirty minutes (to make sure he had no reaction) before departing for home.
This afternoon Bill did me a huge favor and went to Costco to shop for us and our local food pantry. We are very aware that our needs are met but there are many people in our community whose livelihoods are being deeply affected by the loss of income that sheltering in place is having.
That being said, there are some things that remain difficult to find at the grocery stores. I was delighted when my friend Johnni texted that she found flour and offered to bring me a five pound bag.
Gas prices continue to remain low. Bill has been driving more than I so this was his fill up price.
We continue to take advantage of small and large tasks around the house and on the perpetual to do list. An example of a big one was Bill starting to write our wills and of a smaller size, I put away a bag that had been sitting in a catch all spot in the kitchen. It’s all progress in the right direction.
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