Settling Back in


It was a Monday around here. Despite the fact that it was our first day back after a good long vacation break, we all made it out the door on time in a calm manner.

I felt incredibly industrious and as the house began to settle for the first time in a few weeks, I hit the ground running.  I mopped, vacuumed, cleaned bathrooms, picked up a Target order and mailed a package.  I felt the energy of a new year on my side. 

Today was also Walker’s first day driving for Door Dash. He applied over the weekend and I was astonished when he shared that he made two deliveries on the way home.

Mason too had had a good day. He climbed in the car and told me all about his first day on the new semester.  He is pleased with his new schedule and new classes. It seems the return to routine was what we all needed. 

We all sat around the table for dinner tonight for a yummy Thai Napa Cabbage Soup. I served it over spaghetti for most and had healthy noodles myself.  Bill and I were really tired after the first day back and we both headed to bed before 8 pm.

Oh, and lest I forget to explain the daily photo, Mason gave Bill the Yoda Chia Pet for Christmas.  Unbeknownst to me, Bill took it to work sometime right after Christmas and added water to it.  Yoda was the first text we got from Bill bright and early this morning.  It looks like Grogu is doing well so far.

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