Ice, Ice, Baby!


Yesterday our school plans shifted due to the ice storm. Mason was already scheduled to be virtual because Memorial was using all the classroom space to proctor the iStep exam to all the juniors and Signature called the day off for unsafe road conditions. Thank goodness schools and students alike can now suddenly switch to online learning and that this virtual day is just weather related. That offers some hope because even though the boys can do it, virtual schooling is just not the best situation for either of them.  They need in-person contact with teachers and students.

We all made the best of a day at home, each tackling more or less of our necessary assignments and tasks.


Bill shared his weekly Baby Yoda photo. I panicked that something had gone wrong but this is all part of the growth cycle.


Today was anther day at the Covid vaccine clinic. Because of the snow and ice, I parked in the garage and discovered that honestly, I prefer to park near the helipad instead. It makes for a much quicker getaway.


One of the registration volunteers canceled and the clinic director asked me to switch roles. I had never done registration but with her encouragement and tutelage, I was up and running in no time. It will be no big surprise that I also enjoyed this position because I got to meet and greet so many patients. Everyone was so patient with me and that made it quite easy to do this new job.


One unexpected benefit of sitting at the registration table was that I worked alongside the director of volunteer services.  In quiet moments, I picked her brain about opportunities at the hospital as I anticipate that I will enjoy volunteering in other capacities once the vaccine clinic closes. In the meantime, I reassured Kelly, the clinic chair, that I was in it for the long haul. For now, this is indeed my happy place.

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