A Fencing Demo


Third grade marks the official start of 4-H so even though Mason has been attending meetings for over a year now, he is finally able to fully participate as a member of the Paradise Club.  Tonight he did his first demonstration about a topic dear to his heart—fencing! 


He and Bill practiced over and over in front of our family so he was quite ready to talk in front of the group.  He wore his fencing jacket, knickers, mask, and glove and mentioned the undergarments that male fencers must wear.  In a very nonchalant manner, he told them about the cup but warned that people wouldn’t want to drink from that cup.


He described the three types of weapons that are used, the anatomy of his foil and how points are scored and acknowledged.  Mason’s passion for fencing was apparent and he tossed in a few jokes along the way.   At the end of his demonstration, he invited everyone to come up and handle the foil. 

While it seemed like the club members enjoyed his demo, the best part was that Mason was at ease in front of the group.  I bet it is one of many times he elects to present to the club.  Score one for Mason, or as he would say, “Touché!”


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