A Love Sandwich


If what they say is true, that food is love, then my cup runneth over and so does my plate.  Mother’s Day started with a scrumptious meal delivered to my bed.


The boys prepared a spinach and feta omelet, granny smith apple slices, and sourdough toast with camembert cheese.


When Bill cooks a celebratory meal, he splurges on the best ingredients and I can tell because the flavors pop.  My breakfast was so delicious that I couldn’t eat it all.  Well, actually, I could have eaten it all but I restrained.

Then came the thoughtful gifts presented in Tiffany blue bags.  Mason surprised me with jewelry and chose a beautiful sterling silver and sapphire necklace and ring.  From Walker I received a new Starbucks mug, two drinking glasses with straws, a Starbucks card and two copies of John Green’s book, An Abundance of Katherines.  I was slightly confused by this until he explained that he wanted to each read the book and then go to Starbucks to discuss it.  How sweet was that?!

My day was relaxing and pleasant.  I am working on my upcoming craft swap and I had a lot of unexpected time to sew.  I did notice that midafternoon Walker and Bill disappeared to the backyard with the Dutch oven.  Several hours later I was presented with the most aromatic dinner. 


Back at Christmas when we gave Bill a Dutch oven cookbook, I had commented about a recipe and they remembered.  (Of course, they did.  They really do listen.)


It was called the LSDOD Secret Ingredient Chili. I could tell you what the secret ingredient is but then I’d have to kill you.  I will tell you that the recipe subtitle was Fruit and Nut Chili.  It was AMAZING! It was loaded with the usual chili ingredients and spices—ground beef, onions, garlic, beans, bell peppers and tomatoes—but it also contained slivered almonds and apple chunks as well.  We garnished it with real sour cream, raisins and good sharp cheddar cheese cubes.  I was in heaven and thrilled by how much the recipe yielded.  I happily saw leftovers in my future.  They served the chili with butter leaf salad and sugar free apple pie for dessert.

Looking back over the day and reflecting on its meaning makes me think I might be the luckiest mom alive.  The boys teach me so much about how to be a good mother and I feel humbled on many days by how I measure up to the job.  However, they continue let me try to do my best and for that, I am forever grateful.  Happy Mother’s Day to all!

One Comment

  • Gramma Jamma wrote:

    I am always so impressed with your parenting! It humbles me to know that you and Monique do a far better job than I did.

    So glad to hear how much Bill and the boys appreciate you.

    Wuggers you.

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