A Prayerful Field Trip


Today was Fall Faith Day and the three upper classes of St. John’s each had a field trip to a different religious center.  Walker’s class went to Mount Saint Joseph Conference and Retreat Center in near Owensboro, Kentucky.  Since the field trip fell on a Monday, Bill and I were both able to chaperone. 


It was a pretty autumnal day to be outdoors.  It was a bit chilly but the fall foliage was peaking and the grounds were so peaceful to explore.






Our tour was led by the director of the center.  She explained the founding of her order of sisters, Ursuline Sisters.  Here she points out the statue of Our Lady of Prompt Succor.  This is a replica of the statue in New Orleans.


As we walked the grounds, Sister pointed out various buildings and other statues.  We passed by a tree limb that extended an incredible distance.  It branched off from a tree that was over a hundred years old.  Because the tree is such an important part of the historical story of the retreat center, the sisters have been trying to preserve it as long as possible.


To understand how long that limb was, look at this picture for perspective.  That’s the tree and the limb extends as long as the line of students.



Part of the grounds included a rosary walk.  The four mysteries of the rosary were represented.  We prayed it as a class.


The last exercise of the day included a paper airplane activity.  Each student fashioned his own airplane and then we went outside to see whose would fly the farthest.  Spending our day with Walker and his class was relaxing and peaceful. 

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