

Tonight we came out of the darkness of Lent and entered into the light of the Resurrection.  Thanks to the Boy Scouts, we had one big blaze. 


After opening prayers, the seminarian lit the Easter candle from it and Deacon Tony then helped others receive the light.  We processed into the dark church with our candles ignited and watched the warmth of the glow settle among us.


I wasn’t there for the prep nor for the ignition of the fire but I know it was no small job.  That fire ring was made by carefully lifting up the grass and putting it aside.  Bricks were arranged in a circle formation and then the wood was erected into a standing position.  That wood, by the way, was acquired through the deep connections of our community (Thank you, Chris N.) and then stored in the Scout trailer so it would get good and dry. Tomorrow we will head back out to retrieve the bricks and arrange the grass.  It will be just as if the fire was a figment. 


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