Advent Day 18


Bill had today off from work and we took advantage of the time to go for an urban walk.  When we initially discovered Alvord Boulevard a few weeks ago, we walked north.  Today we parked near that starting point and walked south, making our way up and down the side streets which we called fingers. We had no real destination nor distance goal.  We just walked and looked at the Christmas decorations and in the end logged about three miles.


This corner house caught our attention.  We are suckers for these Christmas soldiers. 


We also really liked this house with a blend of secular and religious yard poop.  How often do we see Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph in such proximity to Santa and Mrs. Claus and even Anna from Frozen?

Otherwise, today was a transitional day.  It was the last day of school for both boys, the end of their finals, and the beginning of vacation.  Mason was invited to spend the night with a friend and Walker was home.  He, Bill and I had just sat down for dinner and to watch a show when the power went out in our house.  It turned out a truck hit a low lying power line across the street and downed three poles. Thankfully, we were all set for the evening when the outage occurred and it only lasted three hours. In fact, we all went to sleep before it came back on. 



In the interim between dinner and bedtime, Bill went to the hospital for his vaccine.  Because he works at a clinic where he sees potential Covid patients, he was in the first tier of eligible employees. 


The process was very simple: registration, administration and then observation for 15 minutes. 


He was home lickety split. Immediately following the shot, he was online with his fellow residents again all discussing who got the vaccine and what the side effects were.  We shall wait and see but so far, so good.

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