Advent Day 4


I found my little extra Christmas spirit this morning on the drive with Mason to school. I asked Siri to shuffle Pop Christmas songs on Apple Music and voila! The tunes met both Mason’s and my satisfaction.  After dropping him off, I ran to Starbucks and I was surprised by a love note! The baristas don’t know it yet, but I’m working on a little something to return the favor.


Next stop was Schnucks.  I needed a few groceries and while I was there, I picked up a few items for the food pantry.  I really, really enjoy this form of giving. Since the pandemic started, Bill and I have made an extra effort to contribute to worthy causes. I always try to purchase their standing needs and I look for other deals as well.  Today I dropped off sugar, diced tomatoes, Manwich sauce, canned apricots, lots of penne and shell pasta (since they typically only supply spaghetti), and boxes of sugary cereal my mother never would have bought for us. I used to feel badly about buying those for them but I was told that parents delight in this unexpected treat for their kids.  I’ve developed a system for more efficient shopping by boxing up the groceries myself in my cart, tallying up how many of each item and then keeping aside just one of each for the cashier to scan.  With a full car, I headed straight to the pantry to unload. 

At home I was met by the heating technician.  We finally found a company that is going to rectify the temperature problems we have had in the boys’ rooms since we moved in.  This home repair is not glamorous nor visible but it will be warmly received. 

I prepared Mexican Buddha bowls for dinner using more Misfits produce.  This time I sliced up a bunch of green peppers, onions and zucchini, tossed them in a DIY taco seasoning mix and roasted at high heat.  We served this with salsa, sour cream, homemade guacamole and leftover white rice from our Chinese takeout.  I love making meals that are composites of new and recycled dishes.


Today’s knitting advent update takes an unexpected turn.  I have decided that I’m not happy with my current project and that I will only be more unhappy after 25 days than I am now.  When I chose that  pattern, I had expected a wider shawl but what I was getting is more of a scarf. I’m going to do what knitters call frogging because I’m going to rip, rip, rip it all out. There is a sense of peace in this but now begins the next step—finding a new pattern.  Let the research begin…tomorrow!

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