All Fun and Games


Today was a good Saturday. The boys slept in late and Bill and I were able to ease into our day with lovely quiet time.  Bill tackled the mess of paint cans in the garage, purging the ones that were out of date. Walker went for a bicycle ride on the Evansville greenway. This evening we had Salsarita’s for dinner and had family game night.  It was loads of fun. We played Relative Insanity, Pun Intended and Parcheesi.




We formed teams to play Pun Intended and balanced each other out well. In this game, teams have one minute to guess puns from the six clues on each card.  Teams score points by guessing the puns correctly or stealing puns that aren’t answered by the other team.  The first team to 30 points wins.


In Relative Insanity, we all got a little silly and Walker demonstrated his hands free drinking technique.  Here there are a number of funny scenarios and each player has an assortment of punch lines. The player who reads the scenarios then chooses one of the punch line cards that each player has submitted face down.  The first player to collect five scenario cards wins!


Lastly, this is my original Parcheesi board from my high school years.  I love it.  We played Parcheesi at so many game nights back then.  Now my view of game night always includes my knitting.  I’m still trucking along hoping to finish this sweater very soon.

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