Cub Scouts celebrate the anniversary of scouting in February with a party called the Blue and Gold Banquet. The Cub Scouts also have a special ceremony to honor their Arrow of Light recipients as they move on to join us on the dark side, the Boy Scout Troop.
After the cubs who earned the Arrow of Light were recognized, they crossed over the wooden bridge and were welcomed by some members of the troop.
After they crossed over, they received their new Troop 330 kerchief, epaulets and a slide. This year, the slide was a Selby original creation. Bill designed their slides and printed them with our 3D printer. On the reverse, they say the crossover date and the troop number. He worked very hard on them and they were top notice.
The newest members of the troop are (back row, left to right) Garrett, Thomas, Paul (the leader), Jasper,(front row, left to right) Alex, Conner and Ethan.
We have a wonderful group of adult leaders and the team is ever growing—Paul, Bill, Jeff, Phil, Captain D and Roger. We are excited to see this new group join the troop and hope they get a lot of out of scouts.
Didn’t know that about the slides— wow, cool!