Category Archives: AAP

Covering A Lot of Ground

This weekend is the big annual AAP meeting. It’s been a great part of our Fall tradition to travel as a family to the conference.  Back in the day, Bill attended meetings from dawn until dusk while the kids and I explored the destination. In the evening we participated in whatever family activities the AAP […]

Headed Home

This trip ended so quickly! Today the boys and I headed back to Indiana but before we left, we went to mass at St. Jude Maronite Catholic Church.  We often have adventures when we try to find a church on vacation and today was no exception.  What made this mass different was the fact that […]

Space and Adventure

Conference days start pretty early for Bill and the boys and I followed suit.  We were up and out the door to the Kennedy Space Center by 10 am.  It’s a big complex and there was a lot to take in.  Since we didn’t have much time, we started with the bus tour to get […]

Friday Fun Day :: Orlando Edition

When the boys got wind that the  AAP National Conference was in Orlando, they started campaigning to go.  It’s getting harder to pull them from school so we kept their trip short. Bill and Mason headed down last night. After breakfast, Bill and Mason parted ways.  While Bill was at the conference, Mason had a […]

10/27 :: The Bowl

Today was our last day in Washington DC and the final day of the convention as well.  Our reason for staying through the end is always the James W. Bass Pediatric Bowl where residency programs compete for the coveted Meconium Cup.  From start to finish, this is the fun side of pediatrics.  Think Jeopardy with […]

10/26 :: Game On!

Arlington National Cemetery was an easy Uber ride from the condo although it did show us that traffic is alive and well in Washington DC.  Autumn made her presence known with fall foliage and cooler temperatures.  In some ways, the chill in the air complemented the solemnity of the destination.  Our tram tour took us […]

10/25 :: Sweet Surprises

(click the link for photo credit) Today we had only one place to be at a specific time and that was Mass at 9 AM.   We left with enough time and arrived at St. Mary Mother of God Church early.  We situated ourselves in the pew and listened as a group recited the rosary in […]

10/24 :: Out and About

Most people would consider the mid-60s too cool for a dip in the pool, but Mason insisted upon starting our day off with a swim.  I suppose the allure of a rooftop pool and hot tub were too hard to pass up.  Once changed, we were off to start our day.  We had an early […]

Protected: 10/23 :: Hello, Washington DC!

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Every Minute Counts

When cousins love each other as much as ours do, every minute matters and destinations don’t really matter.  We discovered the kids enjoyed walking along paths and splashing in the pool as much as they enjoyed the zoo and the mission.  It was just time together that mattered.  We took advantage of every minute before […]