Category Archives: Museums

Fitness, Flora and Fun

When Bill was trolling the internet for Merit Badge Universities, he came across one that piqued his curiosity.  The Great American Human Foosball was offering one to earn the Personal Fitness Merit Badge, a required Eagle badge.  The group setting was enough to motivate us to call for more information but the idea of human […]

10/26 :: Game On!

Arlington National Cemetery was an easy Uber ride from the condo although it did show us that traffic is alive and well in Washington DC.  Autumn made her presence known with fall foliage and cooler temperatures.  In some ways, the chill in the air complemented the solemnity of the destination.  Our tram tour took us […]

Friends and Fun Day 2

We wandered over to the Children’s Museum as our first stop of the day and happened upon a well named (and busy) neighborhood breakfast joint.  Then we were off to meet Mary, John, Katie and Keegan for the morning. The museum was not too crowded and had a little something for everyone. Thank you, Walker, […]

Until Next Time…

After the boys and I left the City Museum, we swung by and picked up Mom and Dad.   I needed a serious cup of coffee so we headed out of downtown and found a Starbucks.  Dad wanted a picture like my mom has to show how tall the boys are getting.  Unbelievable! We decided to […]

A City Adventure

As a family we have been to the City Museum several times.  It is not your average museum but rather, it has been called industrial playground.  The galleries are comprised of recycled and repurposed items found around the city.  It’s quite difficult to encapsulate what one would find there but suffice it to say, if […]

The Field Trip to St. Louis

When Mom and Dad made their plans to visit, I told them our only commitment over the Christmas break was a scheduled Cub Scout outing at the City Museum Sunday to Monday.  The timing worked perfectly because it allowed my parents to fly home from St. Louis.  That being the case, we packed up the […]

Black Friday?

No way! Ours was quite colorful!  We spent the day at the Indianapolis Children’s Museum.  These photos are of the Fireworks of Glass ceiling created by Dale Chihuly.  The boys were happy to be at the museum for opening day of the Yule Slide.  Despite their ages, the boys have yet to tire of it.  […]

Protected: Taking It Easy

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Protected: Hot Wheels!

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Protected: No Flotsam or Jetsam

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