Covering A Lot of Ground


This weekend is the big annual AAP meeting. It’s been a great part of our Fall tradition to travel as a family to the conference.  Back in the day, Bill attended meetings from dawn until dusk while the kids and I explored the destination. In the evening we participated in whatever family activities the AAP scheduled.  This year the entire convention was virtual so from the comfort of our living room, we watched the keynote speaker, Dr. Fauci, the lead infectious disease researcher for the government for the last forty years. He shared about public health and scientific challenges of Covid.


Despite Bill’s best effort to block out regular responsibilities and stay focused on the conference, his attention was divided. This experience validated how hard it is to learn virtually for kids and adults alike.  


While Bill and I were “attending” the morning lecture, Walker was ticking a box on his bucket list.  For his birthday we gave him an intro flight lesson. With the guidance of the instructor, he taxied, took off, flew around Evansville and then landed.  A pilot might have been born.


On and off today, I worked on our new Halloween placemats.  These have been on my to do list for some time and I am finally putting energy into making them happen.  I made a lot of progress while the others were busy working on their weekend activities and assignments. 

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