Double Duty Banquet


Captain D. had a lot of merit badges to present to Walker at the Boy Scout Mother’s Day Banquet and Court of Honor.  The boys prepared a wonderful meal:  salad, High Adventure Macaroni from Walker’s cookbook, and Jerett’s version of the Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie and Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar.  I always appreciate how the boys pull in meals they have made on campouts or dishes they love from home. 

We were a smaller group this year due to conflicts in schedules but the intimate setting was quite pleasant. I do appreciate all the effort it takes on the part of the scouts and leaders to recognize the moms and grandmas. One of my favorite parts is listening to the boys publicly share what their mothers and grandmothers mean to them.  It just reminds me that we never know to what extent our actions and words impact another person but hopefully my role as a parent is a positive one for my sons.


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