En Garde


Meet our fencer.  Mason has expressed an interest in fencing and persistently asked about taking lessons for several months. We did some research and discovered there is only one place in our area that offers lessons and there is a single time each week when the lessons are given.  Apparently, there is not a huge demand for fencing here.  Last week, Bill and Mason went to the class and he was allowed to watch. 


This week we went back with our fingers crossed that he would be allowed to participate and he did.  The class started with footwork and parrying exercises. 


Most of the people who fence are more than twice as old as Mason is. 


When it came time for the others to fence, the instructor gave Mason an exercise.  He had to lunge at a golf ball suspended on a string.  It was very reminiscent of the Karate Kid’s training and much to my surprise, Mason kept at it for 45 minutes straight.  Although the foil clearly got heavy and at some points he stopped to massage his hand, he persevered.  I was impressed and proud!

After the 90 minute class, we stopped at McDonald’s (his favorite spot) and headed toward home.


We were driving on St. Joe’s Avenue when I heard a thunk under the car.  I hadn’t seen anything in the road so I figured I just must have hit a rock.  A few miles down the road, the tire pressure light went on.  Like a responsible driver, I pulled off the highway and onto a side street.  Sure enough, I had a flat tire so I called for Roadside Assistance. 


Bill and Walker had been out at the 4-H fairgrounds working on the flower beds. They had just finished and grabbed a bite to eat when I called. 



While not the healthiest, Tastee Freeze is very popular spot right near the fairgrounds.  Walker was willing to try the fried chicken and he discovered  something new:  French fries taste great dipped in a milk shake. It wasn’t long before they arrived where we were.


Bill took advantage of the teachable moment. 


When all was said and done, both boys got a chance to loosen and tighten the lug nuts, raise and lower the car on the jack, and get all the scoop about how to change a tire.   The best part was that we discovered my car had a full-sized spare with a wheel just like the others all this time.  We couldn’t patch the tire so we got a new one and added the spare into the rotation with the other four.  In the end, we all got a lesson about changing a tire.


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