Everyday Super Heroes


Each day in Catholic Schools Week has a theme and today everyone was invited to dress like his favorite super hero.  The kids were a little disappointed because every year prior to this one, the Tuesday of CSW has been Donuts with Dad and Muffins with Mom.  The powers that be eliminated those treats in light of the fact that we received a wellness grant and as a school are supposed to be focusing on healthier choices. 

Parents were invited in before school and the children left us messages on their desks.  Mason’s desk had the cross.  On the reverse, his letter read:


Dear Mom and Dad,

Thank you for choosing to send me to St. John School.  I am thankful because here we can praise god everyday.  I will try to be obedient.  I am blessed to have you as my mom and dad.  Love, Mason.


Mason dressed up as Percy Jackson, his latest favorite super hero. 

Walker left a drawing about Daring Dad and Magical Mom. 

“Daring Dad dares to help me when I struggle.  Magical Mom help me get rid of all my problems.”


Walker is a super hero with a cape.  What more could he ask for?


These are some of the amazing every day super heroes that spend the day with our kids. Mason’s teacher is on the far right and the Batman to the right of Superman is Walker’s teacher. I hope Superman doesn’t mind that I swiped the picture from her blog. 

The rest of Catholic Schools Week will include the annual night at the skating rink, the volleyball game between the 8th grade and the faculty and a few more fun festivities. 


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