Happy to Greet You


My job as a volunteer was to greet folks at the door, direct them to the check in volunteers and then walk them to the vaccinators. Sometimes I have to kill a little time at the door with a patient so I start small talk by asking how they are today. One man shot back, “Fine as frog hairs and twice as jumpy.” I was so stunned by his quip that I had to ask him to repeat it. I have a feeling he has lots of stories and more expressions like that to share. I worked on the preemie beanie in between patients and wrapped it up by the end of the shift. It was a super busy day; more than 350 people were vaccinated.

SMS Covid Card

My exciting news is that I got my second dose of the vaccine.Many people suffer more significant side effects from this one so I am curious how I will react.

After my shift, I had adoration and then I took Mason to the Y.  While he was there, I had a lovely progress check on my 21 for 2021 list with Monique. I was pleased to realize that I have accomplished a number of things on the list. I will continue to track them and trust that our chats will keep me on target.

Dinner was fast and easy thanks to another favorite green curry soup to which I added Misfits green beans, broccoli and parsnips. Served with sticky rice and peanuts, it was comforting and filling.

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