Happy Valentine’s Day!


In the spirit of more recycled materials and stitching on paper, I quickly assembled these cards using felted hearts. 


I made them for each of the boys and Bill and gave them to a few friends.  Simple and sweet was my motto. 


The middle schoolers decided to exchange Valentines and Walker went for the easiest route possible.  He deliberated quite a lot about which candy to give and carefully read the labels to find one that would be safe because there are kids in his class with food allergies.  He bagged them himself and addressed one to each classmate. 

Mason 2015 Valentine

Mason spent a lot of time considering his Valentine.  He likes the cartoon Clarence so when we found this image, he was sold. He bagged it with a handful of the Hershey Hugs. 


His classroom was abuzz with sugar and the bustle of kids distributing Valentines.  Kim and I watched them play a clever game.  Cupid shot an arrow (a cotton swab) with his bow (a drinking straw) into a heart shaped bowl.  The team with the most won!

We walked down to Walker’s classroom where it was much more subdued perhaps because they were engrossed in the movie Frozen and eating their Valentine candy.  


We didn’t want to disturb or embarrass  him in front of his long-term sub so we just said a quick hello and left.  His class intended to host a surprise baby shower for his homeroom teacher.  She had anticipated working until the baby arrived but the plan changed and she started a few days early.  We hope she enjoys some extra rest and we wish her all the best on her parenting adventures.  Our “Valentine” for her will be on its way soon. 

Valentine’s Day around our parts was celebrated with lots of love and friendship just as it is always meant to be.


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