Leaving Our Prints on 2018


In response to a writing prompt, “How will you leave your print on 2018?” Mason was asked to list his talents, goals and dreams and things he likes.  I love the way this came out and plan to frame it.  In the meantime, I’m sharing it here, transcribed as well as I can, as fingerprints are complicated.  There are a lot of references to pop culture and television shows included. 

I am Mason No Middle Name Selby…I am good at solving Rubik’s cubes…I am ok at drawing…I am also good at drawing the drapes…I am skilled at tying the Turk head knot…I am interested in moviemaking…I have a good sense of humor…I am odd..I hope 2018 isn’t a line of tragedy after tragedy like 2017…I believe koalas are the scariest thing on earth…I hope this gets a good grade…I dream to be remembered…I want to be remembered as the kid with the messed up sense of humor…I want to be known as the kid who is scared of koalas…My PlayStation is something I love…Other things I love are my family…switch…food…soft serve ice cream…pocket knives…comedy specials…Netflix…people who can take a joke…Camp Ondessonk…xBox360…friends…I have a bucket list for this year…I want to learn more about making movies by 2019…I want to get better grades this year…I want to be better at saving things like money…

Lots of things make me happy…Some are comedians…being alone…Riverdale…The Office…Bob’s Burgers…Malcolm in the Middle…accomplishing my goals…

Twizzlers…Pringles…movies…summer…no school…Star Wars…Big Bang Theory…Young Sheldon…The FEC Center…GTA VR…Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds

dark humor…inside jokes…cat videos…the sound of other people laughing…my cousin Sophia trying to use Siri…Harry Potter

Mr. Arvin’s class…the bus bell…The Middle

Jeff Dunham…Fluffy…Confused Dumb Americans…America’s Got Talent…Kevin Hart…Harry Potter…The Middle…Dwayne Johnson…2 Pac

When you get jump scared…scaring mom…happy death days…James Bond movies…funny autocorrects…when kids put funny test answers…when every character in a book dies…ending a good ??? prequels or at least good ones

Christmas morning…snow…the money tongue emoji…dumb puns…when

people think stupid questions are sincere…prequels or at least good ones…Schnucks brand sparkling peach…William…

school ending…

getting new things…

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