Let’s Rendezvous

IMG_3177Every year the City of Vincennes celebrates with a reenactment of the Revolutionary War at the Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous.  It was much like a Renaissance Fair in that there were demonstrations, activities and vitals related to the era.  We saw a blacksmith making a spring for a pair of pliers, a woodworker making a chair finial and a pewter smith pouring for spoons.



There were several ancient drum and fife corps



and a lot of opportunity to people watch.  There is a group of avid history buffs who look forward every year to this weekend when they can dress the part and be with others who love history as much as they do.  Some even camp at the encampment for the weekend.


Mason picked up one of several types of shots for a cannon.  These were linked together and when fired would spiral in the air to the ground.


It did not take much encouragement by the women at the quilting frame to entice Walker to try hand quilting.  What surprised me was how long he stayed at it.  I tried it too but Walker was less inhibited than I.


Finally, we watched a juggling act.  I should have known that Walker would want to watch from a raised vantage point.


After our full afternoon, we slowly made our way back to the car with our new walking sticks, bows and arrows.


Lastly, later that day…


We saw the bow in action!


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