More than Double the Fun


Camp is coming! Since the boys have not spent a lot of time in the water over Winter and Spring, we thought it would be a good idea to get them in the pool to build some endurance before they take their swim tests.  As the morning plans unfolded, I thought it might be nice to invite Kim to meet us at the pool.  We would do a little knitting while the boys swam.

Imagine her surprise when I texted that my passenger list had gone from two to five.  Yes, it seems that on the first day of summer, our house has already been designated as the gathering spot.  What to do but invite them all to the pool since the more, the merrier. So our group of three morphed to seven!

Everyone had a great time swimming and worked up a great appetite after jumping off the diving board and doing their laps.  On the way home, I topped off their bellies with a slice of pizza and they fed me with their smiles. 


  • Gramma Jamma wrote:

    Great way to receive sustenance

  • Yeah camp! When I picked up Carolyn from Catholic Youth camp, I wanted to stay. (The music during Mass filled me up!)

    I just learned that they have added a family camp. Unfortunately we are in Chicago during the time this year, but in 2016, I am making plans.

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