Much to my Delight


Back when we lived in Loma Linda, we started an Advent tradition.  I collected 25 Christmas and Winter themed books and wrapped them up.  Starting December 1st, we unwrapped one book each night and had a read aloud.  We did it religiously every season and I really looked forward to it.

The last few years our Decembers have gotten busier and many nights we did not open a book at all. It might have been that we were doing more Advent activities each night and time at home to read was harder to come by.  We also added the Lego Advent calendars and the boys were excited about opening those doors nightly.  So this year when I was unpacking decorations and ornaments, I just left the books off to the side. 

The other day, actually November 30th, Mason and I were putting away the boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations when we came across the assortment of Christmas books.  I handed him that box to put back in the attic.  He looked at me and asked, “Mom, aren’t we going to do the books this year?”

“I thought you guys were not interested in them any more or that you were too old to be read to.”

“No, I am.  I still like snuggling and a story.”

Enough said. In the space of two hours yesterday, I wrapped the entire collection so books would be ready for our first read aloud of the season last night.  I’m not going to pass up an opportunity for togetherness.


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