New Discoveries


Today I had to take my car to the dealership in Jasper for its oil change.  I have been to Jasper a few times since we moved to Indiana but never taken much time to explore the area.  One of my friends suggested we take a walk along the riverfront.  Riverfront?  I thought Jasper was totally inland. 

IMG_8632The path was easy to find and a lot of it was covered with shade.  We stopped along the way to sample the local honeysuckle.  Not having grown up with these flowers, I only just learned that people like to pick the sweetly fragrant flowers, pinch the bottom off, pull out the a little string called a style and suck out the drop of nectar.


The path took us along the Patoka river, to the Mill and the train station.


We met some ducks in the park square where there was free WiFi.  Both of boys thought it was humorous that the park had internet access.  Really, aren’t you supposed to disconnect when you are outside?



While the walking path was probably my favorite part of the trip, I bet the boys would counter with the handmade ice cream they had at a local ice cream shop called, Libby’s Gourmet Ice Cream

IMG_8643I took advantage of the ice cream stop to knit on a new baby sweater. 

I’d like to return to Jasper again some time soon to do more exploring.  We have yet to get to the Dubois Museum and it turns out, we could have gone into the Mill.  I hope to do that on an upcoming trip.


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