Nurse Mason


Our little guinea pig Striker is having a rough time lately.  Over the past few weeks, his nose has crusted up.  The first time it happened, I took him to the vet.  He was on oral antibiotics and getting drops in both eyes and his nose.  Mason took on the responsibility of dosing and dispensing the oral medication and I did the drops.  Mason was a natural at getting Striker to take his meds without any fuss. I was delighted by this because it was not easy for me. 


Fast forward to the last few days.  Striker’s nose crusted up again and he was not eating or drinking as much as usual.  We knew what to expect and started treating him with a saline rinse. Yes, we were using a sinus rinse bottle with the guinea pig. It works on pets as as it does with humans. 

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Mason made an effort to hand feed Striker some of his favorite foods like parsley, carrots and cucumbers.  I know in my heart that Striker’s time is coming to an end.  That’s going to make for a lot of sadness around these parts.


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