Omnom to the Rescue


The other day Mason packed an apple for a snack at school and put it in a plastic sandwich bag.  The bag was to protect it, he said.  I told him what he needed was an apple cozy.  I had seen tons of patterns for them on Ravelry that looked like simple knit bags, almost like socks.  That’s what I envisioned. 

It turns out that cozies vary tremendously.  That simple knitting little bag/sock is only the base; the sky is the limit. When I started the pattern search on Ravelry, loads of options appeared. 

As soon as Omnom popped up, Mason was sold and he would not be swayed.  Omnom was more complicated than when I intended but even more, Omnom was crocheted.  I knit.  My crochet skills are quite rudimentary and I didn’t really want to refresh them.

If the fact that the pattern was crochet was a sticking point, I found a greater one waiting for me.  Once I brushed off my crochet hooks to start, I discovered the pattern would not load on the website.  What?!?!

I made multiple attempts to search for it, contacted the designer, and was on the brink of emailing the others who had made the cozy to see if they still had the pattern when I had an idea.  Thank goodness for Bill.  I recalled that he taught me about something called cache. 

I googled the pattern again, went to the original website and clicked on the cache button.  The pattern popped right up! I quickly saved it in a Word document and did a happy dance. 

It turns out that Mason did me a favor.  His ardent desire pushed me out of my comfort knitting zone.   I enjoyed waging a hook rather than a needle and ultimately, I enjoyed making Omnom.  It was a win-win-win.  Mason is happy, I am happy and the apple is happy.  The kids do like to tell me that Omnom looks better with a red apple but I think he’s pretty cute any way you cut it. 


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