Peaceful and Prayerful


We live about an hour from two different monasteries.  Interestingly, they are a few miles from each other but in different time zones.  Since my parents and I had a day to explore while the kids were in school and Bill was at work, I invited them on a field trip. 

The first is the Monastery Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand.  Unfortunately, tours are not given on Mondays but we were able to walk around a few public areas.  Inside the chapel was the dome for which this monastery is known for. The marble gleamed and the wood was highly polished.  The sisters who live here are blessed with such a beautiful place for worship.


The weather was slightly overcast and drizzly but not imposing. 



For the sake of orientation, these are the pillars that are located on the left side of the building in the first photo. 

IMG_1881IMG_1640The grounds were inviting for a walk and a prayer.




After a visit to the gift shop we headed to St. Meinrad.  


Here again we wandered around the grounds and took a self guided tour.  After lunch we wandered up for noon prayers.  It was a spiritually uplifting and educational experience.  The monks sat facing each other in their individual pews. A group of monks seated on one side chanted and then the monks facing them responded in Gregorian chant.  The song was punctuated several times with readings from the Bible.  The noon prayers lasted only about 15 minutes and then the monks all filed out and returned to work, study and more prayer.


The three sets of doors at the front of the monastery building actually led into the area of the church where the altar rested.  We learned that we should enter through a side door such as this one.


I love a good red door with ornate hardware. 


Our visit was complete after a walk through the extensive book and gift shop and we made it home to meet the boys at the bus. 


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