Put a Watermelon Rind…


When I was about ten, I went to summer camp and learned a ton of camp songs. It must have been all the repetition which cemented them in my brain because I can still remember a handful today.

Put a watermelon rind in the palm of my hand and let the juice s-s-seep through.
Put a watermelon rind in the palm of my hand, that’s all I ask of you.
I’ve tasted fried chicken and it tasted mighty fine,
But nothing tastes better than a watermelon rind.
Put a watermelon rind in the palm of my hand…


When I saw this dyer’s yarn, I knew I had to have it. 


I’m a good knitter but the dyer makes this magic happen.


When I was working on these socks, Mason asked me if they were for him.  I calmly said no but that I would have enough to make him a pair if he would like. I knew I would not have enough to make a second identical pair but with contrasting heels, toes and cuffs, I could pull it off.  He chose that secondary color to be the dark green and as soon as I could started his pair.


It was a mad race to get these finished for his birthday.  I separated the balls so I could knit them two at a time and make them as close to identical as possible.


I was here on his birthday, finishing up the cuffs but I had to go back and do the heels. 


They are done! I hope to get a fun picture of his on his feet and mine on mine but for now, this is what finished looks like.  This is my seventh pair of socks in six months and I’m pretty proud of myself. 


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