Ransburg in Review

camp map

My drive up to Indianapolis yesterday made the early pick up of scouts at camp a breeze.  I arrived at 9:30 am and they were just finishing up inspection.  Cole and Mason jumped in my car and we headed back from Camp Ransburg.

waiting for guide

Thanks to several of the dads, I have some photos to piece together details from the week.  Sunday they arrived to camp and had lunch. They had to wait for a guide to take them to their campsite.

campsite marker

This year the scouts were at Squirrel’s Den Lower.  From all reviews, this was a wonderful location at camp, well situated among all the activities and easily accessible.

squirrels den too

squirrels den

Campers sleep in permanent tents.  Mason’s tent was in foreground of the lower picture but he primarily slept in his hammock.

waiting waiting waiting

When they check in, a staffer inspects all the tents to make sure they are is good condition at arrival. They will be inspected at the end of the week as well.

care package

Last week Bill and I shopped for and shipped a care package to the troop.  He wrote a card to all the scouts and leaders. In addressing 17 cards, I learned the camp address by heart…at least for this week.

Group photo

meal time more2

Mason reported that food at Ransburg was better this year than last.  They could get seconds from other tables but not from the kitchen.

more wet scouts

wet scouts

Monday it rained and the boys got a little wet. Here they are waiting for the campfire at the fire crafter dome.  Thank goodness for lightweight pants and Chaco sandals.

pickup game uno

The scouts dug into their care package and a pick up game of Uno ensued.  (Kazoo accompaniment not shown.)

foggy morning

Tuesday morning was foggy but eventually it burned off.

meal time

Tuesday’s dinner looked like a winner.

order of arrow call out

The Order of the Arrow Call-Out took place Tuesday as well. From our troop, Zach, Pierce and Zach’s dad were called out. The next step is the Ordeal in the fall.

mass at ransburg

Wednesday night was family night.  The troop went to Mass outdoors and then prepared grilled cheese, chili and cobbler for dessert.

Wednesday night post dinner games

fireside chat

chacos by the fire

I recognize those Chaco feet by the fire as Mason’s.

Mason Cole Pierce

The weather this week was much cooler as evidenced by seeing the Mason in a jacket.

Games with Scoutmaster

Friday night fire

Friday night games and the closing campfire wrapped up the week’s activities. 

Mason had a great week at camp.  He enjoyed his water sports and motor boating merit badges, knocked out the personal fitness and loved COPE. COPE stands for Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience.  They did challenging activities to build teamwork and trust.  The first few days he did a low ropes course, traveled across a log and climbed a ten foot wall with no holds.  The last two days they did a high ropes course, two people belaying and a zip line.  He was the only scout from our troop who participated so he had some extra autonomy there. From what he shared, he made good friends and had a blast.

We don’t know what the future will bring from Mason in scouts after he makes Eagle, but if this is his last week at Camp Ransburg, we can definitely say he’s ending on a high note!


  • You are awesome on two counts–
    one, the care package
    two, writing this just two days after he’s back with all the fresh details.

    I think they did hit the jackpot on Indiana summer weather with the cooler temps. I was hoping that my dad might have made it up there a day or two.

  • Elizabeth McCleary wrote:

    We had a wonderful June as well. It is so great not to be melting at camp!!! 1st year in 9 years that we had no one at scout camp!

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